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Issued a catalogue of songs and dance festival festival “We” and the article Krajums “position. Art.“ We ”

The Latvian National Cultural Centre has issued a catalogue and a collection of articles. Art. “We”, which is a catalogue of THE XXVII general Latvian song and XVII dance festival “We”, and a collective monography – the result of the work of the twelve teachers of the Latvian Academy of Art and the student creative co-operation with the Latvian National Cultural Centre, which was facilitated by the State research programme financed by the Ministry of Culture. The catalogue can be purchased in the People's applied art exhibition “We” in sports 2 block, Riga.

The ten articles of collective monographs published research results on the synergies of post and art, revealing it in articles, archives, museum collections and interviewing people. The catalogue fixes around 1300 words of modern people's applied art literature and 3700 works of works created by 123 People's applied art studios and individual authors.

THE VALUES of Latvian museum stock are covered in THE LMA studies. Evija Vasilevska, with the help of the museum of Latgale cultural history, reveals the Latvian cultural identity of Latvia's cultural identity. In the past twenty-five years, the beginning and development of traditional songs and dance festivals are shown by the text of Linda Rubenas and Dainas Lāce. The materials have been searched and found in museums, archives and antiques, as well as in private collections. At the beginning of the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century, the student Santa Sleikša and una Valtere were deepened. Evidence and authentic examples of ethnographic expeditions are searched and used in museum collections. The readers have the opportunity to know the sprungs of Kurzeme and Zemgale cut in the local tree, as well as the layers of the men's pupils embroidered in ornamental flowers and plant ornaments.

A mapping of the Latvian National Centre for Cultural Heritage has been deepened in depth. The students have rewritten and digitised it by developing a dataset, stating that 4020 personalities have gained high degree status. In the exhibition “we” are represented by 156 People's Tourism masters (TDM), however, in modern Latvian society, knowledge and information about the people's fiction masters begin to disappear. In 2000, THE TDM status was the last time. The work with THE TDM card inspired students Nicola Rundans, July Abramov, and Dr. Elīna Vilandi-apini to know ceramics, amber processing and textiles. The story of ceramics in the second half of the 20 th century, the post of amber processing and art, has been explored by the conceptual diversity of textiles. A mapping for each researcher can open a more nuanced view of the position and art in Latvia. Prior to the digitisation OF THE TDM cartography, Inese Sirica and Elina Veilande-Apine conducted a study on the 20 th-80 s textile artistic art of the 20 th century – the leaders of the People's applied art studies. The study managed to show the presence of contemporary textile art in the works of Latvian businessmen.

The ideas and thoughts of the 21 st century on art, position, design and ecology are read in the articles of Ieva Krūmembre, Barbara Abel and Charlotte Bashkevica. Knitting and shooting socks is a skill that has remained in Latvia until today and in 2022 triumphant International Milan Design Monsieur ““Salone del Mobile”by striking the world viewers with humanity and inherited wisdom at work “if you want to break the world, get your socks.” Charlotte Bashkevica took part in the knitted stockings and Milan, in 2022 she graduated FROM THE LMA textiles specialisation with the masters' work “Kompostskomposts”. The textile artist calls for a reflection on the interaction of natural and human beings. To create and be part of the ecosystem, in the light of the past, present and future.

In 2023, the catalogue of the Song and Dance Celebration Exhibition “We” celebrates the common names and works of modern office. Research of hand work, previous generations heritage in family properties, museum repositories, published and unpublished articles, acquired knowledge in schools and universities, studies and exhibitions – this process is equivalent to the school – the ability to show progress, talk, discuss, see another performance and opportunity to evaluate yours. More than 3700 contemporary folk art exhibitions reveal hand-made material in combination with ethnic cultural heritage – a position and knowledge of it. The books of the exhibition team – Mārtiņš Haimrats, Baiba Vaivares, Jura Leitan and Daces Pudanes – and the catalogue drawn up by the Latvian National Centre for Cultural Art, Lindas Rubenas, see the photographs of Linda Rubenas and photomeistar Ulda Musikanta.

Article item composer Dr. art. Inese Sirica, book compiler Linda Rubena. Artist: Raul Liepins
Magazine: “Al Secco
Editor: Elita Prieditte
Study autores: Barbara Abel, July Abramova, Charlotte Bashkevica, Ieva Krūmiņa, Dr art. Dina Lāce, Linda Rubena, Nikola Rundane, Inese Sirica, Santa Sleikša, una Valtere, Evie Vasilevska, Elina Vilande – Apine.
Photographs: Uldis Musicist and Linda Rubena. The book uses materials and photographs from the Latvian museum, the Latvian National Cultural Centre, the personal inventories and archives of the participants of the People's applied art studies and articles.
Publishers: Latvian National Cultural Centre and Latvian Academy of Art.

Research has been performed in the framework of the State research programme “Latvian Culture – Resource for State Development 2020-2022” developed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia “Culture Capital as a resource for sustainable development of Latvia”/CARD LMA sub-project “ethnic art. Crafts in applied and performing art, design and architecture from October 2020 to October 2022.