Other domains
Oral traditions and their expressions, including language as a vehicle of intangible cultural heritage
Social practices, rituals and festive events
Music/performing arts
Traditional kitchen
Traditional craft skills
Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
Other domains
Oral traditions and their expressions, including language as a vehicle of intangible cultural heritage
Social practices, rituals and festive events
Music/performing arts
Traditional kitchen
Traditional craft skills
Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
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Piebalga cultural space (2023)

The cultural space of Piebalgs is made up of less than six thousand inhabitants. The refreshments have a pronounced sense of belonging to the place and space where they live and are represented....

Other area; Oral tradition and expressions, including the language as an intangible cultural heritage carrier; Customs, rituals, festivals; Games/performatīvās mākslas; Traditional kitchen; Traditional craft skills; Knowledge and customs related to nature and the universe;
Card-weaving tradition in Northern Latgale (2023)

The waistbands (knee belts, knees, knee shoes, knee handkerchiefs) have taken their name from knee tables – boards in which I pull...

Traditional craft skills;
Collection and use of mushrooms (2023)

Mushrooms traditionally include harvesting wild mushrooms, which usually take place in the forest, as well as further processing and preparing harvested mushrooms for immediate use...

Traditional kitchen; Knowledge and customs related to nature and the universe;
Barta cultural space (2023)

The Barta cultural space is an important cultural and historical place in lower Courland where traditions are preserved and maintained alive. Barta's cultural space is made up of a Community of residents who...

Other area; Oral tradition and expressions, including the language as an intangible cultural heritage carrier; Customs, rituals, festivals; Games/performatīvās mākslas; Traditional kitchen; Traditional craft skills; Knowledge and customs related to nature and the universe;
Vidzeme Livonian Cultural Space (2022)

The Livonian cultural space of Vidzeme is formed in the ancient Livonian Metsepoli region and is still inhabited and hosted by descendants of the Livonian families of Vidzeme. Vidzeme lib...

Oral tradition and expressions, including the language as an intangible cultural heritage carrier; Customs, rituals, festivals; Games/performatīvās mākslas; Traditional kitchen; Traditional craft skills; Knowledge and customs related to nature and the universe;
Nīca cultural space (2022)

The cultural space of the site can be found in the territory of modern Nietz and Otanku civil parish, about 20 km from Liepaja State capital, between the Baltic Sea, Lake Liepaja...

Other area; Oral tradition and expressions, including the language as an intangible cultural heritage carrier; Customs, rituals, festivals; Games/performatīvās mākslas; Traditional kitchen; Traditional craft skills; Knowledge and customs related to nature and the universe;
The tradition of singing (Знаменный распев) of Latvian Old Believers of Pomorian Church (2022)

Latvian Pomora old Believers' songs are a separate, unique form of notation and singing. Singing “signs” or “stems” are the sacred prayer chants that...

Other area; Oral tradition and expressions, including the language as an intangible cultural heritage carrier; Customs, rituals, festivals; Games/performatīvās mākslas;
Izstāde Siguldas Jaunajā pilī 2022.gada16.03-18.04
Weaving of band-patterned blankets in Sigulda region (2022)

Since the beginning of the 20 th century, the belt covers were known in Latvia as a type of decorative fabric, but relatively complex fabrics were used to weave them...

Traditional craft skills;
Dance tradition in Riga (2021)

Other area; Oral tradition and expressions, including the language as an intangible cultural heritage carrier; Customs, rituals, festivals; Games/performatīvās mākslas;
Weaving of Patterned Zemgale Skirts Using Drawlooms (2021)

Traditional craft skills;
“Puzuri” and the craft of making them in Jelgava (2021)

Customs, rituals, festivals; Traditional craft skills; Knowledge and customs related to nature and the universe;
Latvian card game zolīte (2021)

Oral tradition and expressions, including the language as an intangible cultural heritage carrier; Games/performatīvās mākslas;
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