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a folk music concert “Let's play?” will be held in Taurupe on December 9.

9 December 2023 at 18.00 There will be a concert of participants in traditional instrument games at the Taurupe Folk House “Let's play?”. Special guests of the concert – Patjanko family Chapel from Taurupes civil parish.

With the traditional student concert “Let's play?” “The Taurupe Folk House will conclude another popular instrument game course organized by the society “sound”. And as ever, the course-ending concert program promises to be diverse and eye-catching. Working together for four weekends in the premises of the School of Scripper music, participants in the courses acquired a game of different instruments, the repertoire characteristic of musicalisation of rural chapels and the skills of co-writing. The concert will hear both violins and mandolins, the very rare mittens, and the pride of the middlemen - the luxurious Ermonics of Ievina - instruments that have come back to fashion and are gradually returning to dance and music events.

“Sound” courses offer learning an instrument game for adults with no musical background, as well as those looking to add to their traditional music knowledge. The Lifelong learning project is supported financially by the national cultural Centre of Latvia and the State Culture Capital Foundation.

Also next year, anyone who feels a call to learn a game of any instrument has been asked to apply for the society's “sound” courses. New knowledge and experience, support from your associates, and the unparalleled feelings of playing a musical instrument will be your inalienable benefit. Electronic login and course details: