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Calls for applicants for the traditional Culture Excellence Prize in the People's applied Arts sector

The national cultural Centre of Latvia invites applicants – personality or folk applied art studies – to apply for the traditional cultural Excellence Prize in the field of folk applied art.

The Prize for Excellence in traditional Culture is a special award to traditional cultural industry or artistic collectives for special merit and an important contribution to the development and maintenance of the represented county/urban cultural environment.

The traditional Culture Excellence award is awarded every three years in each industry - a folklore set or an ethnographic ensemble, a folk music group, a folk applied arts studio. The winner will receive an honorary diploma and a cash prize of €1,300 (before tax).

Applications must be submitted by 30 September 2024. 17.00. More information on the submission of applications can be found in the by-law.



Information about the award will be announced after October 10, 2024.

Other information:
LNKC folk applied arts expert Linda Rubene
phone 67228985