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Conference “Heritage at the Service of Sustainable Communities” concluded in Viljandi

Today, the conference “Cultural Heritage for Resilient Communities” in the Estonian city Viljandi concluded. It took place for two days and offered lectures on cultural heritage by specialists from various countries around the world.

Linda Rubena, a People's applied Arts expert, represented the national Centre for Culture of Latvia (LNKC) at the conference with a preview reading “cultural heritage as the basis for the creative activity of the younger generation”, as well as a Member of the advisory Council of the LNKC People's applied Arts industry, lead researcher Annette Karlsson of the Latvian Institute of History at the University of Latvia, who talked about the traditional skills transfer event “meet your master!”

The conference is the opening event of the Wheeland tradition Festival. The festival is part of Tartu - Europe's capital of Culture 2024 programme and will run until October 5, exploring how cultural heritage values and skills can help improve living conditions today and help find sustainable solutions to various social, economic and environmental challenges.