Latvia has to submit TO UNESCO the current report on how THE UNESCO Convention on the Conservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage is implemented in Latvia by 15 December. Since 2020, UNESCO has changed the form of the report: it is standardised and the report is currently to be presented to countries on the basis of specific indicators.
The report is four-part:
A general information
Report B by specific indicators
C Report on the status of the Song and Dance Celebration tradition in the representative list OF UNESCO intangible cultural heritage
Signature and date of the Minister for Culture
Latvian Ffolklore Storage Manager Rita Greenland, Latvian cultural academy researcher Ieva wiltola and Latvian National Cultural Heritage expert Gita Lanzer. The authors shall draw attention to the fact that the text of the report to be discussed is Draft - This will be supplemented, corrected and edited (for example, the text OF the A1 section will only be completed when the remainder of the report is fully completed. Section C on the status of song and dance festivals is also complemented. But this section contains a word limit that prevents it from being written more extensively.)
In early summer of 2021, an ambitious survey on the preservation and development of intangible cultural heritage in Latvia was carried out. You are currently invited to consult the draft report and, if necessary, supplement it with information on the activities and activities implemented in the field of sustainable development of intangible cultural heritage from the second half of 2017 to the first half of 2021. The authors will be delighted about significant additions left outside the report but clearly mentioned.
We'll wait for your comments until 1 November 2021. Additions and comments to be sent: gita.lancere@lnkc.gov.lv