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Approved new composition of the Council of Intangible Cultural Heritage

On 27 June, the Ministry of Culture approved the new composition of the Council of Intangible Cultural Heritage, so that the work of five historic councils and Riga non-governmental organisations will be launched in the Council of Ministers: Editte Husare (Latgale), chairman of the board of the association “LgSC”, Chairman of the board of the Latvian folklore association Andris Kapusts (Riga), Chairman of the board of directors of the Latvian folklore society Dace Marthionova (Kurzeme), the representative of the traditional cultural association “Aprika”, the representative of the folklore group “Kniame” and “Leimaņi”, member of the board of directors of the association Liene Strazdina (Vidzeme), the association “community and development” Chairman of the Board of the association, Anda Svarāne (Celia).

THE first task of THE NEWLY approved Council of THE SNA is the examination of applications for new intangible cultural heritage, deciding on their compliance with the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

The list of intangible cultural heritage is created since 2017 and currently contains 34 values of intangible cultural heritage. The list can be found here: