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We are invited to apply for the Etnoday of young people 2023

Young people from 15 to 25 years of age are invited to apply for annual festival for youth Etnoday, which will take place in Cēsis District and Drabey from 8 to 10 September. Since 2010, young people from a variety of Latvian folklore clusters have been met. This year's programme offers not only access to the various skills of craftsmen (such as the making of trees and other traditional instruments), but also to practise co-playing and to visit the familiar lectures that will help our traditions to be revived today.

The ethnoday audience is directly young people, so the promotion of traditional cultural values is carried out in a more modern form and in a language and expression that is comprehensible to the audience. This event has established a new tradition in Latvia that links the new generation of different Latvian regions to the traditional culture of the single circulation. The local tradition of learning skills and traditional music allows young people to see new links between themselves and the music they play.

This year, the Etnoday of young people will be held in Cēsis District, Drabeu parish and Cēsis in cooperation with Cēsis District Cultural Administration and the “box” of traditional cultural initiatives.

Log in to fill in the questionnaire by August 31.

Login questionnaire in:

All the overnight staying on the floor should be taken.

The fee will be reported when the number of participants is known, but it will be intended to cover the costs of catering and overnight accommodation.