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Final acceptance of applications for the List of intangible cultural Heritage

in 2024, eight applications were received and will be examined at the intangible Heritage Council meeting on 14 June.

applications could be submitted by June 1 in 2024. The applications will be evaluated by the intangible cultural Heritage Council with the assistance of experts. Everyone was invited to submit to the list elements constituting the value of the intangible cultural heritage to be protected by the State, the listing of which has extensive support and participation from the Community concerned.

The login process is carried out electronically on the web site You can also see the values already included in the OCH Inventory list on this page, as well as see the relavant documents. The content of the website is updated regularly with current information in the field on safeguarding and development of the ICH. Instructions for submission of the application:

Interested parties are invited to consult on the preparation of applications with intangible Heritage industry expert Gita Lancers (email:, Tel. No.: +371 67228985).

Latvia's intangible cultural Heritage List has been established since 2017 and 38 values are currently found there. The full list can be consulted at: here.