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A funding competition has been launched for strengthening and popularising the intangible cultural heritage of Latgale

The National Centre for Culture of Latvia has launched a funding competition “Providing of measures for strengthening and popularisation of Latgale's intangible cultural heritage in 2024”.

An association or foundation registered in the Register of associations and foundations, the duration of operation of which is at least three years and the objectives of operation of which are related to the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage of Latgale, may participate in the competition. The aim of the competitions is to identify participants who will provide measures for strengthening and promoting Latgale's intangible cultural heritage in 2024. The funding to be allocated as a result of the tender is EUR 10 000.

To participate in the competition, the participant until 10 May 2024 at 17:00 a completed application of the participant shall be submitted to the national cultural Centre of Latvia in person or sent by post or electronically, appending a copy of the registration certificate of the association or foundation, a copy of the articles of association or foundation, a detailed description of the event, the resume of the event manager, a filled-in estimate and other documents which the participant considers necessary to attach to the application.