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On 12-13 June, a LIVIND seminar took place in Riga

On 12-13 June 2023, the Baltic to Nordic project LIVIND took place in Riga (Creative and Living Heritage as Resource for the Northern dimension Region) seminar “looking at a balance between the various aspects of the sustainability of living heritage”. It included representatives of both non-governmental organisations and heritage institutions from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Latvia is represented by Latvian National Cultural Centre and Latvian Academy of Culture.

The meeting presented pilot projects carried out under THE LIVIND, addressing various aspects of sustainability in the area of living heritage. Latvia was represented by the Latvian narrative association project “stories of names and surnames”, which addresses the preservation and inheritance of the story tradition. In contrast, the centre OF the art centre shared its experience with the continuation of the tradition of fermented food preparation.

The second part of the seminar was devoted to lectures and workshops of heritage experts on linking the living heritage to creative industries, as well as opportunities for sustainable development in the field of cultural heritage.

The PROJECT LIVIND is closely linked to the United Nations “Sustainable Development 2030”, focusing on living heritage and its conservation methods. The project also includes research that will result in an analysis of the situation and recommendations on how to better support future work with cultural heritage. The results of the project will be available to all online platforms.

More information about the project: