On 3-4 September, the conference “intangible cultural heritage in the European social space: artistic and cultural practices” organised by the Latvian Etnography Museum in cooperation with the Latvian National Cultural Centre and IOV Latvia will be held in Riga. The aim of the conference is to explore the diversity of cultural heritage conservation opportunities in Europe, to acquire new knowledge and to share the experience of Latvia.
Conference languages: Latvian and English. The number of visitors is limited, while the conference broadcast will be provided on the Facebook website of Latvian ethnographic free museum. Login conference - https://ej.uz/nematerialaiskulturasmantojums.
Conference languages: Latvian and English. The number of visitors is limited, while the conference broadcast will be provided on the Facebook website of Latvian ethnographic free museum. Login conference - https://ej.uz/nematerialaiskulturasmantojums.
“The 20 th anniversary OF THE UNESCO Convention on the Conservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage is marked in 2023. During these years, the Convention has changed public awareness of cultural heritage, showing that inheritance alongside monuments and collections of objects also includes traditions of ancient and contemporary communities, such as festival celebration, knowledge of nature and the skills of the universe and craft. The aim of the Convention is to preserve the intangible cultural heritage and to promote the expressions of diversity and mutual respect between the Communities. The Convention recalls that it is important to ensure the widest possible participation of the Communities, groups and everyone in the creation, maintenance and transfer of cultural heritage” – reports the Secretary-General of UNESCO's National Commission of Latvia Baiba Moļņika.
The issues of intangible cultural heritage, values, succession processes and their prospects are becoming increasingly topical in the globalisation era. Visitors from Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Ukraine, Italy and Germany will participate in the conference. The conference will discuss: the intangible and tangible dimension in the People's art; the traditional and contemporary positions of the People, their regional differences; the share of traditions and innovation in contemporary People's art; the role of intangible cultural heritage in the development of tourism; prospects for the development of traditional art in Europe; the preservation of regional policies and importance of the intangible cultural heritage of different countries for future generations.
The first day of the conference will be held at the Latvian Etnography Museum. The participants of the conference will have the opportunity to both see the exhibition of the museum and visit the contemporary artisanal market and become acquainted with Latvian contemporary applied art works, in order to discuss on the basis of the relevant material the artistic trends of modern Latvian crafts and the desirable perspectives of the development of beauty craft.
On the importance of intangible heritage in the development of the museum, the Director of the Latvian ethnography museum Zanda Kergale is told: “To preserve the unique wooden buildings in the Latvian Etnography Museum with all their fittings and ancient heating systems, wooden craftsmen, mountains, masters, roofs etc. are necessary, which have inherited the knowledge and skills of ancient craftsmen. A great impetus for the collection of the People's applied art traditions is the extensive museum fair, which brings together the best craftsmen from all Latvian provinces for more than half a century, has been complemented for several years by the modern-day artisanal market, with the participation of masters who find and create modern creative solutions on the basis of traditional crafts and skills.”
A conference initiator and chief organizer of the ethnography department, Dr hist, will be represented at the Latvian ethnographic open-air museum conference. Aija Janson, with a report “traditional and contemporary Latvian applied art” and Head of Education and Information Unit Rozīte Catherine Ponne, with a report “Study of intercultural intercultural interaction of Latvian and German” in intangible cultural heritage “.
More information:
League Rimsevich
Communication Project Manager, 29422779
Conference programme and more information: http://brivdabasmuzejs.lv/zinas/starptautiska-zinatniska-konference-par-nematerialo-kulturas-mantojumu-3-4-septembri/.