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Vidzeme Livonian Cultural Space (2022)
The Livonian cultural space of Vidzeme is formed in the ancient Livonian Metsepoli region and is still inhabited and hosted by descendants of the Livonian families of Vidzeme. The liberal cultural space of Vidzeme consists of a set of elements, the axis of which is the liberal envelopes of the Latvian language Vidzeme.
To the Inventory of ICH


Laima Kļavina, Lolita Ozolina

Oral traditions and their expressions, including language as a vehicle of intangible cultural heritage

Social practices, rituals and festive events

Music/performing arts

Traditional kitchen

Traditional craft skills

Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe


Vidzeme Livonian Cultural Space (2022)


Limbaži municipality, Lēdurga parish of Sigulda municipality

The Vidzeme residents who are aware of their livonian roots, live mainly in the banks of Svētupe and Salaca, Pāle, Svētciems, Salacgriva, Staicele. The genealogical studies of the historian and counsellor Rasmas Norina on Vidzeme Livonian families, based on the documentary evidence of the Finnish linguist Anders Julhana Schögren on 22 people in the Sunvillage Manor and the surrounding area, who had interviewed the Livonian language (Norina 2018), are relevant to Vidzeme Livonian identity. The descendants of these families are considered a Community kernel of the Vidzeme Livonian cultural heritage. There are also people who live in the territory of the former Metsepole District in the north-west of Northwest and whose daily contacts are characterised by the delicacy of the linguistic dialect.
Today, the active Community kernel of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture is composed of:
1. Vidzeme Livonian descendants, in particular Vidzeme Livonian family, Aboltina-apples, Skinmers, Berzins, Bissau-Priediņš-Martinson, Girgenson-Yirgenson, Feldmanis, Giza, Yekabsonu, blacksmith, Kara, Lenna, Lielnoru, Pļaviņš, Zīlemen, fisherman, Vegetables.
2. People interested in the history of Livonian culture, history, language propagation, as well as craftsmen, education and cultural workers, research and tourism-related people. These groups also belong to Community representatives born and raised in an environment with linguistic cultural features (language, traditions, etc.), understandability, and belonging to it regardless of their place of residence. People combine shared interests to preserve identity, sense of belonging, cultural, and environmental values. They are shared with the responsibility of the common living space, the interest of the somugra peoples, the desire to identify, explore, preserve and promote the cultural heritage of future generations, emphasising the importance of the Salacas Livonian language (Vidzeme Livonian language).
Around 100 people (craftsmen, folklore members, cultural environments, skills carriers, historians, teachers, staff and managers of cultural institutions, counsellors, librarians, museum staff and managers, etc.) from various places in the Northwest Virgin – Ainaži, Salacgriva, Pāles, Corgenes, Vitrupes, Liepupes, Pāles, Limbaži, Staiceles, Alojas, Lēduras, etc. are involved in the development of cultural space development. Part of these are shown in the signature pages attached in section B and also mentioned as masters IN section A.8.
The active core of the Community shall be composed of:
Zanda Aderniece – the leader of the festival of festival traditions, the head of the municipality of Aloja and parish.
Alfred Andrus – the successor and promoter of wedding traditions.
Janis Bakmanis – Deputy Chairman of the Municipal Council of Limbaži.
Einars Berzins – Chairman of the Management Board of the Staiceles Photo Society.
League Borozdina – experience in organising events for various age groups, counselor, year of anniversary and family traditions, head of the Sunvillage library.
Rihards Shack – Head of the Staiceles City and parish service centre.
Antra Dūctte – the keeper of the fishing and maritime traditions, the krājuma of the Ainaja Maritime Museum.
Flakes drank – experience in the management of the cultural institution, Director of the Centre for the Centre for Salacgrīva Culture.
Livija Gridyko – experience in project management, counselor.
Aldis Guusarovs - Experience in business, Square Manor Complex developer.
Indra Jaunzeme – experience in museum management, director of the annual traditions, Director of the Sticele Livonian Museum “Pivalind”.
Inese Jerāne – experience in organising cultural events, organizer of events of the Salacgrîva Cultural Centre.
Iveta Kalniņa – Experience in the work of the museum and the restoration of textiles, Storage of Salacgrîva museum collection.
Sarmyte, the leader of the wedding traditions and the promoter, the leader of the Lēdura dendroparka.
Guna Krūmiņa – Aloja cultural heritage scientist, counsellor, organizer of youth work.
Sanita Kaanīte – knowledge and experience in organising events for groups of different ages, Head of the Ainaja Branch.
Laima Kļaviņa – artist, experience in pedagogy, counselor, zinātāja of the parish of Salacas parish.
Jānis Atis Krūmins - Manufacturer of the People's Musical Instruments, Musicist and Skills Reseller.
Inita Pumpkin – Experience in the management of the education centre and organisation of events, head of the “Black Farm” cultural education centre.
Ilze Miller – experience in project management and cooperation with foreign partners.
League moderator – pedagogical and institution management experience, head of the Aloja District Research Centre.
Rasma Norina - historian, Vidzeme Livonian history researcher.
Liene Noriņa-Šeikin – experience in museum management, head of family tradition, head of the Pal parish county research museum.
Inga Ozolina – experience in organising educational events for groups of different ages, librarian of the Ainaja Library.
Lolita Ozolina – scientific work experience, doctorate of Latvian cultural academy, scientific assistant OF THE LATVIAN Institute of Culture and Arts.
Gundars Pleash - historian, historic engineer expert.
Mārīte Purvis – Experience in organising events for groups of different ages, advises historians and counselors about the cultural history of Vilnius, the local names and families, the Head of the Vilnius Library.
Ilze Rubene – leader of the oral and musical traditions and of the reseller, the musical group “villava”.
Anita Strocksha – a scientist of domestic traditions, a counselor.
Inese Timermane – a family traditioner, a counselor.
Marta Treimane, the successor of family traditions, legal knowledge.
Ieva Zilvere - Director of the Salacgrîva Museum.
Several representatives of the Community shall act in the associations referred to in SECTION A.9. The Community has established its own Council with representatives and a Council Regulation of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area – see Annex.

Description of the element


Vidzeme Livonian Cultural Space (2022)


Limbaži municipality, Lēdurga parish of Sigulda municipality


The Vidzeme residents who are aware of their livonian roots, live mainly in the banks of Svētupe and Salaca, Pāle, Svētciems, Salacgriva, Staicele. The genealogical studies of the historian and counsellor Rasmas Norina on Vidzeme Livonian families, based on the documentary evidence of the Finnish linguist Anders Julhana Schögren on 22 people in the Sunvillage Manor and the surrounding area, who had interviewed the Livonian language (Norina 2018), are relevant to Vidzeme Livonian identity. The descendants of these families are considered a Community kernel of the Vidzeme Livonian cultural heritage. There are also people who live in the territory of the former Metsepole District in the north-west of Northwest and whose daily contacts are characterised by the delicacy of the linguistic dialect.
Today, the active Community kernel of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture is composed of:
1. Vidzeme Livonian descendants, in particular Vidzeme Livonian family, Aboltina-apples, Skinmers, Berzins, Bissau-Priediņš-Martinson, Girgenson-Yirgenson, Feldmanis, Giza, Yekabsonu, blacksmith, Kara, Lenna, Lielnoru, Pļaviņš, Zīlemen, fisherman, Vegetables.
2. People interested in the history of Livonian culture, history, language propagation, as well as craftsmen, education and cultural workers, research and tourism-related people. These groups also belong to Community representatives born and raised in an environment with linguistic cultural features (language, traditions, etc.), understandability, and belonging to it regardless of their place of residence. People combine shared interests to preserve identity, sense of belonging, cultural, and environmental values. They are shared with the responsibility of the common living space, the interest of the somugra peoples, the desire to identify, explore, preserve and promote the cultural heritage of future generations, emphasising the importance of the Salacas Livonian language (Vidzeme Livonian language).
Around 100 people (craftsmen, folklore members, cultural environments, skills carriers, historians, teachers, staff and managers of cultural institutions, counsellors, librarians, museum staff and managers, etc.) from various places in the Northwest Virgin – Ainaži, Salacgriva, Pāles, Corgenes, Vitrupes, Liepupes, Pāles, Limbaži, Staiceles, Alojas, Lēduras, etc. are involved in the development of cultural space development. Part of these are shown in the signature pages attached in section B and also mentioned as masters IN section A.8.
The active core of the Community shall be composed of:
Zanda Aderniece – the leader of the festival of festival traditions, the head of the municipality of Aloja and parish.
Alfred Andrus – the successor and promoter of wedding traditions.
Janis Bakmanis – Deputy Chairman of the Municipal Council of Limbaži.
Einars Berzins – Chairman of the Management Board of the Staiceles Photo Society.
League Borozdina – experience in organising events for various age groups, counselor, year of anniversary and family traditions, head of the Sunvillage library.
Rihards Shack – Head of the Staiceles City and parish service centre.
Antra Dūctte – the keeper of the fishing and maritime traditions, the krājuma of the Ainaja Maritime Museum.
Flakes drank – experience in the management of the cultural institution, Director of the Centre for the Centre for Salacgrīva Culture.
Livija Gridyko – experience in project management, counselor.
Aldis Guusarovs - Experience in business, Square Manor Complex developer.
Indra Jaunzeme – experience in museum management, director of the annual traditions, Director of the Sticele Livonian Museum “Pivalind”.
Inese Jerāne – experience in organising cultural events, organizer of events of the Salacgrîva Cultural Centre.
Iveta Kalniņa – Experience in the work of the museum and the restoration of textiles, Storage of Salacgrîva museum collection.
Sarmyte, the leader of the wedding traditions and the promoter, the leader of the Lēdura dendroparka.
Guna Krūmiņa – Aloja cultural heritage scientist, counsellor, organizer of youth work.
Sanita Kaanīte – knowledge and experience in organising events for groups of different ages, Head of the Ainaja Branch.
Laima Kļaviņa – artist, experience in pedagogy, counselor, zinātāja of the parish of Salacas parish.
Jānis Atis Krūmins - Manufacturer of the People's Musical Instruments, Musicist and Skills Reseller.
Inita Pumpkin – Experience in the management of the education centre and organisation of events, head of the “Black Farm” cultural education centre.
Ilze Miller – experience in project management and cooperation with foreign partners.
League moderator – pedagogical and institution management experience, head of the Aloja District Research Centre.
Rasma Norina - historian, Vidzeme Livonian history researcher.
Liene Noriņa-Šeikin – experience in museum management, head of family tradition, head of the Pal parish county research museum.
Inga Ozolina – experience in organising educational events for groups of different ages, librarian of the Ainaja Library.
Lolita Ozolina – scientific work experience, doctorate of Latvian cultural academy, scientific assistant OF THE LATVIAN Institute of Culture and Arts.
Gundars Pleash - historian, historic engineer expert.
Mārīte Purvis – Experience in organising events for groups of different ages, advises historians and counselors about the cultural history of Vilnius, the local names and families, the Head of the Vilnius Library.
Ilze Rubene – leader of the oral and musical traditions and of the reseller, the musical group “villava”.
Anita Strocksha – a scientist of domestic traditions, a counselor.
Inese Timermane – a family traditioner, a counselor.
Marta Treimane, the successor of family traditions, legal knowledge.
Ieva Zilvere - Director of the Salacgrîva Museum.
Several representatives of the Community shall act in the associations referred to in SECTION A.9. The Community has established its own Council with representatives and a Council Regulation of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area – see Annex.

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Importance in Community Life

The Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area is composed of a set of elements whose peripheral axis is the Latvian language Vidzeme Livonian printout. Vidzeme's Livonian culture is formed in ancient Livonian Metsepoles and still lives and is owned by Vidzeme Livonian descendants. Apart from the linguistic spread that combines the entire range of Vidzeme Livonian culture, it is also characterised by the manifestations of intangible cultural heritage such as the age of anniversary, the type of farming that maintains close links with natural and linguistic heritage, the traditions of work and life. Similarly, the nature of the Vidzeme Livonian culture has transformed and has gained new expressions in music, poetry, visual and especially applied art.

The characteristic values of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture (Community assessment).
1. Daily communication in the Vidzeme printouts of the Livonian dialect, including the still-preserved local names in the landscape of the Northwest. The peculiar nature of the so-called “economic” language has developed over the course of many centuries, while preserving the features and evidence of mutual relations between the somugra peoples and white. Today, the visibility of the linguistic dialect Vidzeme spreads in daily negotiations shows the importance of identity within and outside the Community and maintains the oral tradition and expressions.
2. The study of Vidzeme Livonian families and the use of the results of the historian Rasmas Norina study in the Community's salmonation and identity-making. In 2023, 20 years had passed since Rasma Norina began his studies of Vidzeme Livonian families, using the genealogical approach. In 1848, the study of the position of Mr Anders Johan Sjögren, Mr Anders Johan Sjögren, documented the testimony of 22 people in the Sunvillage Manor and its surroundings, which had interrogated the Livonian language. Rasmas Norte's family studies, creating a large number of 16 Vidzeme Livonian trees, have achieved resonance in the creation of local population, the knowledge of root, her performance being highly valued and used. Thanks to this, the Museum of Pāle Municipality has developed into the Vidzeme Livonian Centre – there are both Rasmas Norina studies and a place where Vidzeme Livonian descendants gather in conspiracies. The research carried out by Rasmas Norina also forms the basis of the Vidzeme Livonian Community – they call together families, their successors, encourage awareness of their linguistic affiliation, strengthen both local and personal identity and, at the same time, promote and enhance the knowledge of the linguistic heritage in the wider community. Since 2003, when the first birthday was born in Palais, the family of Livonian descendants have become an annual tradition. Two to four different births are held every year in the Pāle District Museum. The family of different generations are faced with hunting, from various regions of Latvia, as well as abroad.
3. Preservation of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area, folklore, inherited crafts and traditional knowledge.
4. Writing and publishing fiction in the Salacas Livonian language and the Livonian dialect in Vidzeme printouts (for example, the first book in the Salacas Livonian language, “Salacas joug Colm agent” (“Salacas rivers three banks”) – issued by the Livonian Society of Friends in 2013; Anitai Empress released a poetry in 2014 in the Krajums “roots”, in which several poems were written in the Svētciema of the Sunvillage; the poems of the Finnish poet Heli Laaksonen of the Finnish poet, using the linguistic dialect Vidzeme sinks).
5. Preservation and preservation of the sites associated with the Livonian heritage (the Livonian sacrifice – the St. Svētupes, Liepuppe castle, the ancient grave, etc.).

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In Vidzeme's Livonian culture, there is still a linical dialect Vidzeme Distribute, audible in Ainaya, Corgent, Kuiviža, Lion, Pal, Lēdura, Limapos, Salacgriva, Sunvillage, Vitrub, along the Estonian border in the direction of Rujienas. In the history of the people of Northwest Vidzeme, including Vidzeme Livonian descendants, and today news is provided by folklore, oral tradition, ancient skills are still alive in Vidzeme Sea, Corgene, Lion, Lēdura, Pal, Sunvillage, etc. For example, the Vidzeme Livonian culture still uses words such as kunna (frog), roid (dirt, debris), sonnis (rams), randmala (krastmala), Kamma (big bute), etc., or expressions such as “mulzers” (nightmares), “Oh, you old chains!” (Oh, you old mare!), “get the cows!” (get the cows!), etc. According to the Sunvillage, Anita Emse's story was once called Sun. "The Greeks talk everything to“ i ”- Roki, cabbages, cottages, flowers, tears, shrubs. The Greeks say that the ducks have red peki or a girl round like a vimbi! Vittoria speaks vitrally, but somewhat different than in Sunvillage. In Salacgriva, the tops of the tops, in Ainaya, feel the influence of Estonians again (Anita Emse's narrative in May 2022, stored IN THE LU Liv Institute).
The history of Vidzeme Livonian history has been addressed by historian Rasma Norina, who continues to work for more than 20 years, creating 16 Vidzeme Livonian trees, identifying at least 615 Vidzeme Livonian descendants. The research of Rasmas Norina is kept and promoted by Liene Noriņa-Šeikina, who runs the Pāles parish county research museum – the only museum in Latvia about Vidzeme Livs, where information on the history and family of Vidzeme Livs is available (Adamers, Children, Bissairs, Lielnors, Feldmanis etc.). While in Staicele, the Livonian Museum “Pivalind” (manager Indra Jaunzeme) is located, in which research of the history of Staiceles and its surroundings is carried out, focusing on the study of home names and the testimony of the Livonian cultural heritage in the environment.
Similarly, in Salacas Livonian language, new works are still being created, the musician Elina Ose has prepared a chamber music concert programme with the domubiedriem,» Kuolm randõ/three krasti, which also contains songs in the Salacas Livonian language. On the other hand, Kempus Charles (pseudonym, the real name Karl Pajusalu), the latest poem, is called “Tubber” (in fires), that is in 2021:
syu wildness
Mer Peru Pilu
Utilta Kädde

kitheark jenim
Skruon ruja
ab Lask tunda
ǖdegid Karde

ne mA irrigation
stubble jegg flower
stubble jegg hook
abku sin jenge

tubular towel
lämtub touvizt
ǖd Dad once

In the north-west, various cultural and tourism activities are held in many places, which also provide an insight into the cultural heritage and its features, thus highlighting the peculiarities of each neighborhood, parish, municipality, city.

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Inheritance and Transfer

The inheritance of language proficiency in Vidzeme Livonian culture is predominantly in families, while the skills of the craft are preserved in interest groups, in the People's applied art studies and in clusters, such as in the house in Sticele and in the annual stock “meet your master!” etc. The transfer of oral tradition and traditional music heritage takes place in folklore clusters and musicist chapels (“birds”, “villava”, “villava gamblers”), summer camps, events in the Lēduras Dendroparka, Melngrel Farm Vidriaj, etc.
The cultural heritage of Vidzeme Livonian is studied and populated in exhibitions, exhibitions and various events at the Pāle District Research Museum, the Salacgrîva Museum, the Livonian Museum “Pivalind” in Staicele.
The maintenance of ritual traditions informally takes place in Livonian Upurala Kuiķun, where a cult site, a state-protected archaeological monument, is located on the coast of St. Centuries of ancient rock articles, possibly magical protection signs, and donations were discovered in the cave. It is evident that today, people are visiting this ancient Sunday and leaving donations. In recent years, a variety of rituals and annual festival festivals also take place at the Mudurg River Lēdura, which has been the site of local folks.

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Vidzeme Livs as an ethnic group formed in the 10 th and 11 th centuries, settling the banks of Gauja and Daugava. In the late 12 th century and at the beginning of the 13 th century, the Livonian Chronic of Indric Livonia (Indriatic Chronic 1993) provides further information on the Livs living in Vidzeme. Vidzeme Libians were the first to be 12 th. In the 80 s, the people of Latvia came into contact with German traders and Catholic missionaries, they were the first to be subjected to the crusaders and the first to be affected by the process of assimilation in Latvians (wax et Al 2021). In the centuries, the number of libians in Vidzeme decreased steadily. Vidzeme's Livonian, most likely Metsepoles (Livonian val.: mõtsa Pool), was born in the middle of the 19 th century in Latvian ethnosis (Cimermanis 2003: 11-27). The last Vidzeme Livonian speaker is said to be Gusts Bissar, who died in 1868. In the middle of the 19 th century, the English language of the Northwest vivids has been spoken, according to the documented testimony of the Finnish speaker Anders Johan Sjögren in 1848 on 22 Latvian-speaking people in the Sunvillage Manor and the surrounding area (Norina 2018).
Over the centuries, the historically populated area of the Livs has experienced significant changes in Vidzeme, but the Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area still holds a Baltic Sea bag substrate, which is mainly in the language – the linguistic dialect in Vidzeme printouts – and in local words, as well as the cultural historical heritage in the landscape – castles, cult places, ancient graves.
For a more detailed description of the history of the element, see Annex.

The Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area still holds undetected and unconscious evidence of the development of cultural and local people. The linguistic heritage in Vidzeme has been relatively little studied, so far the most important research on Vidzeme Livs was done by Anders Johan Sjögren, Saulel Cimerman, Rasma Norina, the linguists Karl Pajusalu and Eberhard Winkler.
In the late 19 th and 20 th century, although the Salacas Livonian Community has died in the 19 th and 20 th century, in the past 20 years there is an awareness of the linguistic identity in the Northwest Virgin – the process is based on the research carried out by the historian Rasmas Norina on Vidzeme Livonian families, which encourages their successors to be aware of their roots, come together and meet. At least one of Vidzeme's Livonian successors is known to have a “libian” in the passport. A number of Latvian and cultural workers, journalists, musicians, artists, are coming from the Vidzeme Livonian family. Other inhabitants of the Northwest, who are not Livonian descendants, are increasingly interested in the livelihoods.

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Additional Information

Other manifestations of intangible cultural heritage are characteristic of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture. For example, the traditional way of farming that has remained in the Northwest Vidzeme subsistence farms and small farms (organic farms), where livestock farming, farming, craft and beekeeping are engaged. In such a way, the whole family is usually involved. Fishing traditions have maintained the fishing of nigs in Salaca and Saint-Svētupē. In Salacgriva, today is a centuries-old fishing technique – a murmur taci for niggling. The fisheries sector is appetite, but coastal fishermen are still in the sea, whose professional lectures from the Livonian and Estonian (including German and Russian) languages have reached the names of fishing gear, fish etc. Soil improvers in coastal villages and urban private houses in Jurmala still collect leaked seaweed.
The knowledge of herbal plants, the time of harvesting, the preparation and application of tea is also maintained. The knowledge of plant colours in nature is a number of weavers in Limapos, Staicele, Vilnius, etc. Knowledge of the setting of weather conditions by natural phenomena, favourable fishing, sowing and planting times has also remained.
The traditional cooking skills are placed in Vidzeme Piejuras and further inland. The baking skill is a number of housekeepers in Lēdura. Skilled correspondents are still working in Limapos, Liepupa, Salacgriva, Staicele etc., with the intention of producing ancient musical instruments, beehives, sleeping structures etc. For example, the “birds” of the folklore of the Lödurg Cultural House has been acquired by the design and playing skills of the musicians. Traditional masks can be made up of folklore clusters, such as folklore's “villava”, and the experience of organising a festival of international mask traditions.
Christianity, wedding, funeral in which people are aware of certain customs and rituals have been preserved from the tradition of domestic life. After ancient traditions, the young couples and wedding guests are taken by the Middle East (manager Inita Pumpse) at Alfred Andrus and the leader of the Lēdura Dendroparka, Sarmitt Kawls. The popular talks are now rare, but they occur in rounds at the time of harvesting.
The annual festival has preserved its importance and is celebrated in both families and urban and parish cultural houses. In Easter, Janos, Miķelos, Martins and Christmas events, the events are enriched by folklore sets. Celebration of annual festivals takes place in both open and cultural centres. Easter, John and Christmas are also celebrated in families, relatives and neighborhood, but they don't have such a broad sound as the 20 th century. In the 20 th and 30 s. For annual festivals, the children of First Knowledge are acquired in family, school and folklore.

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The Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area is a number of active local traditions and interrogators in the Community:
Iveta Apsīte – dyeing of fabric, weaving and yarn with vegetable colouring agents, TLEM “Staicele”;
Ance Bumble – a successor of bread-baking traditions and a reseller;
Anita Emse – bearer of Svētciems language.
Irena Graviņa – a weaver, heir of weaving traditions and, TLMS “Staicele”;
Editte Kalniņa – a weaver, a successor of weaving traditions and a reseller, TLM “Staicele”;
Kristīne Kapakle – the transducer of fish smoking techniques and the reseller of skills;
Ilze Kļavina – a traditional cockpit competitor, a traditional mask maker;
Ilga Līsmane – weaver, weaving skills successor and reseller, TLM “Staicele”;
Elga Melne — Aloya-based interrogator, terrestrial, including libic, known;
Anda Timermane – the successor of the weaving traditions and the reseller, TLM “Staicele”;
Inese Timermane – the leader of the weaver, weaving traditions and reseller, TLM “Staicele”;
Pārsla Treimane - handicrafts, embroidery technique interrogator and promoter.

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Institutions and Organizations

Societies: association “Smailes”, “Make art” unit “Vidzeme Livonian Centre”, association “Limbašu lauvas”, association “Metsepoles Liv cultural centre”, association “Pivalind”, Staiceles photo association “Laims”, Vidzeme Livonian municipality cultural association “Elmed” (following changes in the statutes – cultural association “Elmed”).
Commercial companies: SIA “Svētupes Manor”, “Lolita Ozolina Communications”.
Libraries: Ainaži, Korģene and Svētciems libraries of Salacgrîva Library; Viļķene library of Limbazi Central Library.
Cultural houses and centres: Lēdurga culture house, the Centre for the Culture of Salacgriva, the cultural education centre “Melngaiļa sēta”.
Museums: Museum of Ainaja Maritime School, Museum of Pal District, Salacgrîva Museum, Staiceles Livonian Museum “Pivalind”, Aloja Municipality Research Centre.
Institutions: Municipality of Limbazi Municipality, Municipality of Limbazi Municipality Aloja Alliance, Sigulda District, Sigulda Development Agency Unit “Lödurga dendroparks”, Staiceles City and parish service provider.

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Strengthening the Tradition

Over the past over 30 years, several activities have been carried out in North West Germany, projects have been implemented which have contributed to the creation, existence and promotion of the Vidzeme Livonian culture (in chronological order the most significant).
In 1988/89, the leader of the folklore group “cielava”, Zenta Mennik, begins to identify the texts of the Northwest Vidzeme songs, including the linguistic dialect in Vidzeme, melodies and games.
In 1997, the municipality of Salacas and co-operation with Latvian folklore store began. The first camp “Metsepole” is held, and 260 children are involved in the familiarity of the hereditary land.
In 1998, the conference-exhibition “countryside and fist”. The VAK Salaca division was established, a later association “Elmed”. Implementation of the project “North Vidzeme”.
In 1999, in cooperation with the Municipality of Staiceles, the Livonian cultural centre (Līvõ cider), the country's specially protected Livonian cultural heritage site “Livonian coast” and the Latvian Academy of Sciences, the event “libians return to Latvia” (this led to the launching of a broader study of the Vidzeme Livonian Heritage and Salacas Livonian language, to create and reveal the Staiceles Livonian Museum “Pivalind” etc.).
In 1999, the first bread festival in Lēdura, the participants of the “Metsepole” camp.
2001-2003 – Limbazi District Leaders are involved in the interpretation of Vidzeme Livonian problems, participating in expeditions and conference held by the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
In 2002, research on Vidzeme Livonian descendants begins in the Pāle District Museum.
In 2003, the first salidojums of Vidzeme Livonian descendants in Pāle.
In 2006, the first “Pivalind festival” in Staicele. Founding folklore “villain gamblers”.
In 2009, the exhibition “Vidzeme Livs and their descendants” at the Pāles Municipal Research Museum.
In 2011, an Estonian poet Pseudonym (pseudonym, real name Karl Pajusalu) is opened in Salacgriva festival.
In 2014, Anita Emse poetry “Roots” was released (a number of poems in the Svētciema of the Sunvillage).
In 2018, Rasmas Norina's book “Vidzeme Livonian family” was issued.
In 2019, the folklore group “villava” and “Delve” participate in the Ffolklore festival of the Turaida Museum Reserve.
In 2020, the folklore group “birds” participates in a virtual folklore festival organised by Tartu Estonians.
Several activities have also been implemented in the centres of Vidzeme Livonian Culture:
In a traineeship with a large number of participants, an auto-foto-velo orientation is held, which is organised by Staiceles TIM (manager Inese Timermane) and the youth association “Pivalind” (manager Anda Timermane). Similar events in Limbaži District and Vidzeme also take place in other places, so that young people, families with children and others are interested in getting better acquainted with the municipality and acquiring knowledge in cultural history. In collaboration with the Staiceles Library and the photo association “time”, an exhibition “The Power of Nature Colors in Healthy” was organized. There have been several travelling exhibitions at Mazsalaca's house, the People's House, Smiltene Mayor Manor, and elsewhere. Amateurs participated in Vidzeme business days in Valmiera and amateur trade. In collaboration with the youth association “Pivalind”, the project “chakla was a nurse”.
Vidzeme Livonian History Studies (Rasma Norina), educational and Vidzeme Livonian events, under the direction of the museum leader Liene Norina-Šeikin, have continued in the Pāle District Museum. The latest generation and NGOs (association “peak”), as well as Leaders in Aloja, Staicele, Sunvillage, Vidrians, Lēdura and elsewhere in Vidzeme, are also involved in the recording and documentation of novados parish narrative narrative.
The ancient posts of ancient posts and Krimulda Municipalities have been identified. The folklore “birds” is involved in organising educational events, acquiring new songs, preparing for folklore festivals. Ilze Kļavina took part in 2022 ON TV show “Stream”, telling her about the Livonian League and promoting Lēdurga Dendroparka.
In Salacgriva folklore, the “villava” and the musical group “villava gamblers” supplemented their repertoire and participated in several festivals and festival events. Zenta Mennik's collected folklore material in 2022 was taken over by Laura Eimane from the folklore group “villava” and Ilze Rubene from the folklore group “villava gammasters”.

1. There is an interest in Vidzeme Livs and their cultural heritage, Livonian dialect Vidzeme. 2. Scientific publications and books. 3. Cooperation has developed between associations, institutions and individuals. 4. The new generation has acquired knowledge of Vidzeme's Libyans and an idea of folklore collection. 5. Cooperation with other Somugra nations has begun to develop.

Several projects have been implemented, with funding from local governments and various funds (such as the Latvian Culture Fund, the State Culture Capital Fund (CKF), the Latvian Environment Protection Fund (LVAF)). Several intentions have been implemented on private funds by investing in volunteering and intellectual property.
The most significant projects implemented so far and the aid received.
the “peak” association. “Traditional coccal game — an enthusiastic form of leisure time”. Planned to be completed in 2022 Supported in two cards. Funding from rural support service.
• Salacgrīva museum. The “Libyan affiliation” project. Implementation time 2021-2024 Funding for round 1 from the budget of the municipality of Salacgriva, 2 nd round – CKF.
• Creative scholarship Rasma Norina. Project “photo album on Vidzeme Living Bissau-Priedinu family”. 2020-2021 Funding from THE CKF.
• Sticele Livonian Museum “Pivalind”. The project “stories about Staiceli”. 2020 Funding from THE CKF.
• Sticele Livonian Museum “Pivalind”. The project “under the trees of the oak...” Festive places and celebration traditions in the area of Staiceles. 2019 Funding from THE CKF.
• Sticele Livonian Museum “Pivalind”. The project “this wonderful way to his father's home” in two stages. 2014-2015 Funding from THE CKF.
• folklore “birds”. Project “acquisition of ancient skills — interesting and modern”. 2012-2013 Funding from THE CKF.
• folklore “birds”. “Laima bread” project. Bread-baking traditions in the parish of Lödura. 2008 Funding from the Limbazi District Council.
• Pal parish council and Rasma Norina. Project “traveling exhibition“ Vidzeme Livs and their successors ””. 2008 Funding from THE CKF.
the “Elmed” cultural association of the Vidzeme Livonian District. Project “Sixth School Summer Camp“ Metsepole ”. 2006. For the 1 st thematic part self-financing, as well as co-financing from the School of Education, Youth and Sport of Riga City Council, part 2 is financed from LVAFA.
• Salacas Environmental Protection Club. Project “Fifth School Summer Camp“ Metsepole ”in Colas. 2001. Self-financing, as well as co-financing from the city of Iberiles with rural areas and SIA“ rural newspaper ”.

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Research work will continue in archives, museums, etc. to identify the linguistic heritage in Vidzeme.
Rasmas Norina's work on the Vidzeme Livonian family will continue.
The leading researchers will continue to document the parish cultural values. Material on significant landlords (E. bird, Sedlenieku etc.) will be collected to prepare publications. The accumulated materials will be able to be acquainted with libraries, museums, private collections, as well as exhibitions and thematic events. For more information, see the Annex.

A variety of activities related to research, cultural education, promotion and transfer of intangible cultural heritage are planned for the preservation of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area and the strengthening of the Community. For more information, see the Annex.

1. Strengthen and expand the Vidzeme Livonian Heritage Community.
2. Contributing to the recognition and preservation of the intangible cultural heritage of North West Germany, including the linguistic heritage.
3. Strengthen and improve the understanding of the Vidzeme Livonian culture and its unique specificity and value.

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Threats to the Tradition

The existence of the Vidzeme Livonian culture can be influenced by a number of factors and circumstances. Here are some of them.
Demographical – the younger generation of people are flowing away from their homeland at work abroad and/or the large cities of Latvia, the number of residents and members of the community will be reduced. Similarly, when the generations change, the number of speakers of the Livonian dialect in Vidzeme is reduced.
Consuming – increasing the impact of global and technological development will reduce traditional lifestyles, hence the importance of traditional knowledge and skills.
Informative – the people of Northwest Vidzeme lack knowledge and understanding of the linguistic heritage of Vidzeme, the linguistic and historical significance of the language, and their value in the modern cultural environment. There is a lack of scientific research on Vidzeme Livs, their history, legacy.
Financial – limited possibilities of organising wide-ranging, Community-based, identity-supportive measures.

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Association “peak”, tail No 40008205262



The participants of the “Metsepole” camp learn how to record the narrative of the said A. Emse.
Svētciems, 2000. Photo Laima Kļaviņa.


The members of the “Metsepole” camp familiarise themselves with the linguistic heritage in Kurzeme, the Livonian bank.
Kolka parish, 2001. Photo Laima Kļaviņa.


Vidzeme Livonian descendants and youth camps.
Pāle, 2009. The photo by Pārsla Treimane.


Madara and Marta had found their names in the Bisnieku family tree.
Pāle, 2009. The photo by Pārsla Treimane.


Historian Rasma Norina shows the result of her study – the Vidzeme Livonian family.
Pāle, 2022. Photo Lolita Ozolina.


The first written poem of Anita Emse in the language of Svētciems, “Tribute to Svētciems.”
Unģenciems, 2022. Photo Lolita Ozolina.


Iveta Apsite was teaching the foundations of weaving for Kristīne Timermane.
Staicele, 2018. Photo Inese Timermane.

Audio Materials

Anita Emse poems from the book “Roots” in the autopsy of the Sunvillage.
From the disc inserted in the book.

Video Materials

The peculiarities of Salacgriva's language in the beekeepers Valley's Dark narrative.
“Abel”, Salacgrîva rural area, 2008. The video romance Strelsnine.

Pre-performance of the Adriana Ginters member of the Salacgrîva High School folklore group “Zegelite”.
MR Ginters, receiving the title “big storyteller”. Salacgriva, 2021. The video was directed by Zenta Mennik.

Christine Kapasi (b. Bisniece) a narrative in the local press about smoking of fish in the “Forests” parish of Sunvillage.
Sunvillage, 2021. Video Christine Kapale.

Text materials

A broader description of the element history.


Element retention plan.


Vidzeme Cultural Heritage Plan Plan 2023-2025.


Statement No 6 of the minutes of the meeting of Limbazi council 23.09.2021, by decision No. 337 on the harmonisation of the Limbaži municipality council for the inclusion of the Vidzeme Livonian Culture Area in the Latvian Intangible Cultural Heritage List
*. edoc is technically impossible to add.


Norina, R. (2018). Vidzeme Livonian family. From the 18 th century to our days. Riga: science.

Kursyte, J., Norina, R. (2016). Crouch crossed. Riga: Nordik.

Happiness, S., Urtan, J. (2016). The Holy Livonian sacrifice. Riga: Nordik.

Bird, E. (1985). Description of the Sunvillage sheet. Riga: science.

Ancides, K., Janson, A. (1963). Vidzeme ethnic history issues. Archaeology and ethnography. Riga: Latvian Academy of Sciences of LATVIA.

Cimerman, S. (1998). On the leakage of libians with Latvians: the proficiency of the question. Ambassador of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Part A. No. 3.

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S. Cimerman. All about our Libies. (2001). - for the first contribution of science to the national long-term target programme “Livs in Latvia”.

On the future of the Livonian People – in their children, culture, the light of the characters. - for the lībiešu of the Livonian cultural days of 1998, the first reading of the scientific reading rapporteurs (A. Caunes, S. Cimermanis, R. Blumberga, I. Neilandes, E. Sīļa etc.).

S. Cimerman. The Livonian mark. - on published research, cultural historical materials devoted to the Livonian poet, cultural worker and translator Janis Prince eldest in his 200-year anniversary.

Aldura Vunks. Salacas Livonian language/Salaca Livonian in the Enlightenment. (2018). - An article in English looks at the situation of the Livonian language of Salaca in the 18 th century, giving news of both the family and speakers of the Livonian and the circumstances that affected the loss of the Livonian language.

Digital archive of Latvian folklore storage. - folklore materials recorded in Northwest vivids are available.

Laima's bread. (2014). - The video on the bread-baking tradition in Lödurga parish.

We live – Salacgriva fishermen. (2020). - Vidzeme television programme on the fishing tradition in Salacgriva.

Salacas Livonian dictionary. - information on the Salacas Livonian language dictionary issued in 2009, compiled by Professor Eberhard Winkler, Professor of the University of Gettingen (Eberhard Winklerun), Tartu University professor Karl Pajusalu.

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